Veterans who are attempting to adjust to civilian life may have a difficult time. Issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression can all exacerbate this difficulty. Unfortunately, many veterans find themselves in trouble with the law due to a simple mistake or a misunderstanding.
As a former prosecutor in Arkansas Veterans Treatment Court, Attorney Ryan Renauro knows who to get you in contact with at the VA to start services. Mr. Renauro can help you get a head start on your case before you’re even arraigned.
If you are a veteran and you are facing criminal charges, you deserve to seek assistance from a criminal defense attorney who understands your legal needs. At Renauro Law, we are committed to assisting our veteran clients and providing compassionate legal services to reduce or remove penalties. If you need a veteran defense attorney in Arkansas, our team is here to help. Contact our law office for a free case overview by calling (479) 334-0355 today.
Coming home from combat leaves many veterans with mental health issues. PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses can impact the way you live your life every day. Attorney Ryan Renauro understands what you’ve gone through and how difficult it can be to adjust to civilian life.
Even if you have been arrested for a violent crime, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. There are resources in Arkansas made to assist veterans like you. You may be able to seek treatment options instead of going to jail with help from an attorney. Our team will support you and advocate for your rights throughout your case.
Housing issues are also real concerns for many veterans. Those relying on disability payments or other supplemental income may not have the support they need to pay their bills on time. This can lead to landlord and tenant disputes or wrongful evictions. Many veterans find it difficult to maintain stable and secure housing, leading to further disruptions in their lives.
Some veterans may also be looking to have their records sealed. Having a permanent criminal record can negatively impact your ability to land a job, apply for housing, apply for educational resources, and more. Certain benefits programs may also be unavailable to you if you have a criminal record. By sealing or expunging your record, you can open up a new world of possibilities for civilian life. Renauro Law is just a phone call away; dial (479) 334-0355 to receive immediate legal assistance.
Veterans Treatment Court is a special type of court made for eligible veterans in the criminal justice system. If you have been charged with a crime, you may be eligible for treatment court if you have an underlying mental health disorder or unmanaged substance use. If you qualify for Veterans Treatment Court, you will be connected with mental health treatment and substance abuse programs to treat your underlying issues rather than serving jail or prison time.
To stay in this program, you must attend frequent court hearings and voluntarily submit to random drug and alcohol testing. Group and individual counseling may also be required. Community supervision, including meetings with a probation officer, will likely be part of your treatment program. If you are interested in Veterans Treatment Court, a member of our legal team can provide more information about what this program involves.
Veterans Treatment Court was created to increase public safety while decreasing incarceration levels for those with mental health disorders and substance use disorders. It also aims to improve the quality of life for veterans and their family members. In most cases, the Veterans Treatment Court lasts between 14 and 18 months and is a multi-phase program with various levels of intervention.
Not all veterans are eligible for treatment court. If you would like to explore Veterans Treatment Court as an alternative to jail time, lead attorney Ryan Renauro can help you.
To be eligible for Veterans Treatment Court, the following must be true:
You are an adult
You have been charged with a criminal offense
You are a veteran or a service member of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard
You have been identified as high-risk or high-need using the risk-need assessment tool
You have been approved for admission by the Veterans Treatment Court team
You have an underlying mental health or substance use disorder
To apply for Veterans Treatment Court, you can submit an application through the program coordinator. The prosecuting attorney will review your case and determine if you are eligible. If you are, the prosecuting attorney will complete a risk-need and clinical assessment of you. The Veterans Treatment Court team will then review your personal information plus your application to determine if this program is right for you.
When you are accused of a crime, police and prosecutors do not have your best interest in mind. A criminal defense attorney on our team will stay by your side every step of the way, ensuring that your rights are protected and that all your legal options have been explored.
Our team will take the following steps when representing you:
Gather evidence in your defense
Create a unique legal defense strategy based on your legal needs
Negotiate with the prosecution to reach a plea deal, if possible
File motions to enter evidence into court
Represent you before a judge if your case goes to trial
Protect your future with Renauro Law; call (479) 334-0355 and get a comprehensive defense strategy.
If you have served in the military and are now in legal trouble, you deserve a team of attorneys who will work hard to defend you. In Little Rock and around the state of Arkansas, veterans are mistreated and have trouble navigating the legal system. Our team will help you defend yourself to reduce or remove the penalties you are facing.
Renauro Law has years of experience providing legal services to veteran clients. We are confident that by working with us, you can get the outcome you deserve. For more information, contact our law firm today at (479) 334-0355.